Monday, May 31, 2010

( Lesson 5 ) Experience

Another factor that will contribute to your planting decision is that different crops yield different benefits in terms of experience. Crops that take at least a day to grow will grant you 2 experience points for each patch of land you plant them on. Most crops take at least this long to grow to maturity, but there are some, like strawberries, that only take a few hours. These will only get you one experience point per plot of land planted. The faster you accumulate experience points, the faster you'll move up to the next level.
That doesn't mean you want to only plant the crops that give you 2 experience points though. If you're going to be able to check back on your strawberries and plant more as soon as the old ones are ready to be harvested, you can actually get more experience points in a day with these types of crops. It all depends on how well you stay on top of your planting and harvesting cycles.


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