Monday, May 31, 2010

( Lesson 30 ) Deciding to Expand and Weighing the Cost

Expanding before you're ready can make it hard to maintain a positive cash flow. You want to make sure you'll have at least 10,000 coins in the bank after you purchase your land expansion in order to be sure you're up to the task of managing a larger farm.
Once you decide you're ready to expand though, you'll need to be able to pay for the extra land. There are actually two ways you can do this, but neither of them is particularly cheap. If you have enough neighbors, you can pay in coins. If you don't have as many neighbors as is required for the plot of land you want to buy, you'll have to pay in FarmVille cash.
For example, the 14 X 14 Homestead can be bought for 10,000 coins as long as you have at least 8 neighbors to help you with construction. If you don't have that many neighbors, you can also buy the Homestead for $20 in FarmVille cash. Since the coins are so much easier to come by than the cash, you'll be wise to try and recruit those few extra neighbors so you can pay in coins.
You may think that $20 FarmVille cash isn't that much in the grand scheme of things. You'll need $20 more each time you want to expand though. So if you want to expand fast, you either have to have a lot of FarmVille dollars on hand or you'll have to seek out some new neighbors. Even the largest plot of land currently available only requires that you have 16 neighbors.
This isn't a particularly large number when you think about it, and it will save you a lot of money in the long run if you just go out and recruit some friends to help you. It really isn't as hard as it might seem to get people to be your neighbors either because they don't actually have to do anything to help you. All they have to do is open the application and set up their character. After that, they never have to come back to their farm again. Once your friends know this, they may be more inclined to help you out.


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