If you're not satisfied with the neighbor count you get off of your friend list, the next place you should go is to the FarmVille Forums. You can find these by clicking on the Forum link at the bottom of the page you're on when you're playing the game. Here you'll find quite a few great FarmVille resources. One of these is a forum called ADD ME for people who are looking for neighbors. This is an excellent place to go to find more neighbors and meet people who share your interest in the game.
Most of the people you'll find on these forums are FarmVille players like you who enjoy playing and want to build up their farm as much as possible. Because you have to add someone as a friend in order to make them your neighbor though, you should always be cautious. The best way to go about this is to only add one or two people you don't know at a time.
This is because some of the profiles you will come across this way are spam. If you only add a few at a time, you'll know which profile to remove from your friend list if you start receiving a bunch of meaningless messages in you inbox. If you've added a bunch of strangers at once, it can be next to impossible to figure out which one to get rid of.
FarmVille Forums aren't just good for helping your find new neighbors either. They're also a great place to go to find answers to any questions you have while playing the game. Or they can be a great place to just socialize with other players, as well as a good source of information about updates and changes to game play. Even if you use them only sparingly, these forums are a great resource to keep in mind when you have problems or questions about FarmVille.
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